AND ALWAYS REMEMBER If we don’t ask, we will never know and if we don’t record what we do know our descendants will wish we had!!

This is a read me file to acknowledge source information and to explain some of the conventions used on this web site.

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All information on this site is acquired through research and contributions from interested families.

Information included in this site is 50 years old or older unless I am authorised to use it, so some families will go through to 2007 others will stop at the 50 (1957) year cut off mark for publication in this site.

So if you click a hyperlink and it goes to Tripod, means it is out side the 50 years rule and thus unavailable on the site. Use the "Back arrow" to proceed. A hyperlink indicates there is more information, just not available on the site.

?? means I am not sure!

I hit a few Brick walls with my own ancestry line so I have expanded to include descendants families of my G. G. G. Grand parents William and Sarah Higgins (Britannia 1830)  and William (Caroline 1829) and Martha (Britannia 1830) House. It seemed a waste of all the research and knowledge acquired if I didn't do this.

All families have their roots in the South West of Western Australia. Starting from 1829.

The Honour Roll recognises the valuable service our military provides in times of peril and times of peace. Names on the Honour Roll are direct descendants or spouses of descendents of William and Sarah Higgins 1830.

In the Honour Roll the links are:
CWGC: The cemetery that the soldier is buried in, also his service details and NOK. or where he is commemorated
Service Number: WW2 Service record - WW1 Embarkation
Christian Names; To family connection.
Surname : WW1 Digital record of soldier - WW2 not used yet

The sibling generation is numbered from William and Sarah Higgins (Britannia 1830) they are the number 1 generation being the first to W.A. The generation numbering only follows the William and Sarah line, although this website goes back further in the Higgins and Dredge lines. Although William House (Caroline 1829) was here before William and Sarah, he is generation 2 by the fact he married Martha Higgins, William and Sarah's daughter.

Firstly without family knowledge I wouldn't be able to even start this history, so thank you to my family for passing it down.

The Busselton Family History website has been of invaluable help. I found the people there very helpful, Thank you.

The Bunbury Cemetery assisted me to find ancestors with a smile, Thank you.

The W.A. State Records office was .. send us $50 and we will look! ... lol. But their Pioneer online search was in-valuable, which by the way stops at 1905 and there are a lot of names not in there that should be.

The Perth Cemetery Boards online database proved more than helpful.

Erica Smith’s Family History really helped, Thank you Erica for putting together such a good family history.

Ancestor.Com Proved very helpful with their British census information. (Pity it costs so much)

The National Archives of Australia database proved very helpful

Jan Morgan U.K. who assisted me to get started ... thank you Jan for your continuing help.

Thanks to William (Bill) Dixon Perth for the family information he supplied.

Many thanks to Sheryl Knight of Ferndale W.A. for all the information supplied on the Higgins family tree

Thanks to Jeannine Winnifred Nolan of Victoria, Jeannine Heindrichs nee Rose Perth and he late Shirley Leahy nee Rose for family information on the Rose, Bentley and Nolan Families.

Christine Wood nee House, Perth for her encouragement and support

Olwen Fenton for her contribution to the Gardiner/Chapman families.

Reginald Davies Wales, Welsh Mariners Database information on David Higgon 1802 and son not in the database.

Denise Hitchens nee Kidson for family information on the Worthington's and Kidson's

Rodney Tromp for Higgon Tromp family information and photos

Family Lines are colour coded:

           Follows the David Higgon line Direct Ancestors and descendants

           Follows the Ancestral Line that is NOT connected to the William and Sarah Higgins line, but is an off shot of the David Higgon line.

           Follows branch offshoots that don't follow the Higgon line. But follow the William and Sarah Higgins line.

           Not related to the Higgins Line, connected through marriage

           Rose descendants Not of the Higgins line.

Names in RED are the direct ancestors to the David Morgan Higgon line.

Names in BROWN marry into the Higgins Line.

Things I cant find yet:

Alice Eliza Higgon's death; David (Daniel) Higgon's Birth, Death and occupation in Wales; When Llewellyn and Alice and family came to W.A. they were in NSW in 1889; Got another hundred but that will do for now!

Any information about James Jeremiah and Margaret Thomas and family would be greatly appreciated.

This Family History is a work in progress. So any help in information and or Photographs very appreciated, as there is still a lot of discovering to do.


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