Alwyn John Vernon and Sandra Mary Rose 1948

Married :

Descendants of this family are eligible to become members of the  Swan River Pioneers 1829-1838 group. Verification of families is important, so if you decide to join the Swan River Pioneers they will tell you which certificates you need, as they have verified most of the ancestors in this web site.

Siblings 7th Generation

Vernon Janette Mary 1966  
Vernon Gordon Robert 1967  

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Sandra's Family

Compiled by David Morgan Higgon, Midland Western Australia 29/11/2008        Read Me File

John b.  d.  f.  m.

ref Dianne Rose

Sandra Mary Rose 1948
Robert George Rose 1926 and Mary Joyce Outridge 1926
Samuel Clifton Rose 1897 and  Ida May Payne 1900
Samuel (Dad Rose) Clifton Rose 1863 and Susannah ( Mum Rose) Maria Higgins 1860
Henry William Higgins 1823 and Lavinia Gardiner 1838
William Higgins 1800 and Sarah Dredge 1799 - (Britannia 1830)