Cecil Montague/Mervyn (Far) Scott 1884 and Coral Clifton Rose 1887

Married : 1909 Wellington #2

Descendants of this family are eligible to become members of the  Swan River Pioneers 1829-1838 group

Siblings 5th Generation

Scott Clifton  Montague 16 Oct 1909 Bunbury #474               
Scott Cecilie    



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Compiled by David Morgan Higgon, Midland Western Australia 2006

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Cecil Montague/Mervyn (Far)  Scott   and   Coral Clifton Rose. Cecil Scott who had never like cows left 'Toledo', took up land at Elgin where he cleared trees and flattened ant hills for the farm he called  'Quambi'. Cecil married his old classmate Coral Clifton Rose and they planned to start a dairy.  Cecil had never learned to milk a cow.   Coral, whose dowry had been 10 fine milkers, was making sure he learned.  By the time their son Clifton was born the following year, Cecil was quite good at it. On Cecil’s headstone, it reads Cecil Mervyn Scott

ref Sheryl Knight